Monday, November 14, 2011

San Francisco Chronicle November 10, 2011

This is about my 30th published editorial:

See tourists in need? Give 'em a hand

Something I read in the '80s stuck with me - if you see someone looking at a map in our beautiful city, smile and offer assistance. I have done this ever since. It's a small thing that offers big rewards.
Just the other day I was on Market Street around Fourth Street, and I saw a young guy with baggage and a map out. I smiled and asked if I could help him find his way. I took him by surprise. Then he smiled, told me his name, that he's from South Africa, and shook my hand. He told me he had asked for help, but no one had time for him. He asked me to take his picture, and he was off to Union Square.
I love to do this, and in fact our family became friends with someone and offered him a job all because of this simple gesture. It will leave a lasting impression on our visitors to San Francisco.

Olivetta Chavez, Concord

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/11/09/ED5E1LS25Q.DTL#ixzz1di1dSNvz

Here is the link to my other published articles: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/qws/ff/qr?term=olivetta+chavez&period=all&Submit=S

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