Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Ritchie Boys

I had never heard of them. Several days ago there was a TV program about Camp Ritchie and that was the first I'd known. Then as I sat at my kitchen table a blue book under a pile on another table grabbed my attention, The Historian. It was unopened for my son since 2016. I look inside and there's a chapter about Camp Ritchie! I finished reading it today. When the book arrived five years ago I did not know my ethnicty. Since then I've had my DNA done and it turns out I have a different bio dad, who is European Jewish. The Ritchie Boys were mostly German-born Jews that were highly trained in America to help in the war effort and they are largely unknown for their immense contribution. The chapter is written by Patricia Kollander, a professor. I find it fascinating to learn so much about Camp Ritchie in the space of several days after a lifetime of knowing nothing about their contribution.
In 2004, the documentary movie The Ritchie Boys by Christian Bauer, featured ten of the Ritchie Boys. On May 9, 2021, the story of the Ritchie Boys was presented in a forty-minute segment of the CBS television series "60 Minutes." Victor Brombert, 97, and Guy Stern, 99, gave personal testimony.