Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Chris Wark mentioned me on live Facebook today

His audience can ask questions and leave comments. I said, "You are a national treasure!" Then he said my name correctly, "Olivetta says I'm a national treasure. That is high praise!" What a fun thing to hear from someone who I've learned so much, have his book, and have thanked Father in heaven for because he shares so much to help others. So thank you Chris. That was a delight to hear my name on your live Facebook today.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Pearl Harbor Attack 80th Anniversary

Japan's attack on the U.S. got us in WWII the next day. FDR ordered the incarceration of Japanese including Americans. Under Truman two cities in Japan were bombed because Japan would not surrender. The losses were terrific.
Ladies First, CHS.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Days of Christmas

Thankfully Days of Christmas is back this year. I like to attend the temple as well as take in the concerts and events in December. Scrooge was spectacular and I look forward to a full month of beauty and entertainment.

Monday, November 29, 2021

See's Candies since 1921

See's hit their century mark and it's no wonder they're still going strong. My first recollection of eating the delectable See's was 60 years ago when I was living with my brother's family. My favorite is Nuts & Chews Milk Chocolate. I know dark chocolate is better for me but it's too chololatey. Kathy loves the dark chocolate.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Friday, October 22, 2021

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Tabernacle Choir tribute 9/11 20th anniversary Coming Together


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Swimming July 2021

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNUbdEuPzZ0 https://youtu.be/RNUbdEuPzZ0

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Scrabble Club memories

The pandemic knocked a hole in our Scrabble Club and two members have moved away, one not pictured. Those were good times eating pot luck and taking turns hosting to play a game or two of Scrabble together.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Twenty Places I've Called Home

I have called home to 20 addresses and in my present home I've set a record living here 21 years this month. It's a milestone. As a young adult I moved the majority of those times and as a wife and mother only four. We sold the palms as they were planted directly under power lines of all things. Home sweet home also to Nite, our short-haired black female cat for 15-1/2 years.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Ritchie Boys

I had never heard of them. Several days ago there was a TV program about Camp Ritchie and that was the first I'd known. Then as I sat at my kitchen table a blue book under a pile on another table grabbed my attention, The Historian. It was unopened for my son since 2016. I look inside and there's a chapter about Camp Ritchie! I finished reading it today. When the book arrived five years ago I did not know my ethnicty. Since then I've had my DNA done and it turns out I have a different bio dad, who is European Jewish. The Ritchie Boys were mostly German-born Jews that were highly trained in America to help in the war effort and they are largely unknown for their immense contribution. The chapter is written by Patricia Kollander, a professor. I find it fascinating to learn so much about Camp Ritchie in the space of several days after a lifetime of knowing nothing about their contribution.
In 2004, the documentary movie The Ritchie Boys by Christian Bauer, featured ten of the Ritchie Boys. On May 9, 2021, the story of the Ritchie Boys was presented in a forty-minute segment of the CBS television series "60 Minutes." Victor Brombert, 97, and Guy Stern, 99, gave personal testimony.

Monday, April 26, 2021

First one back in the library after a year.

Yes, I thought there'd be a line but I guess people don't know it's open again. Thank goodness for small mercies and getting on a computer again. My last time was in December in Washington. Otherwise it's one-finger typing on my trusty ipad.

60th Baptismal Anniversary

I was able to video chat with my sister Rose the morning of our baptismal anniversary. I baked a cake for the occasion and later two elders paid me a visit and I sent them home with cake for the four elders. Then on April 11th I made a sentimental journey to Vallejo to attend Vallejo II Ward. I was able to attend Relief Society in person as they had their first meeting in a year. I was given paper roses for being a guest! Then in chapel for fast meeting the bishop introduced me and had me stand up! I was first to share my testimony as I had also been first earlier in my own ward. I gave some background of how Don and Bev were tracted by two elders, joined the Church, and invited Mother, Rose and me to take the missionary discussions. He baptized us on March 25 and Mother died 10 months later and was buried on the 25th. It was good for my soul to be there and some remember me and Bishop Don Davis. One brother told me Don ordained him an elder. I took pictures and enjoyed my visit so very much. I then went to 515 Bonita Court and was invited inside and stood in our bedroom. Then past Hogan Jr. High to 108 Crane Court for another picture. I even saw a '55 Chevy on Rollingwood on my way to 135 Renida Street for another picture. These sweetpeas remind me of our bedroom window sill. I cried as a walked down the hill remembering our mother and my 15 years with her and Rose. I have a 60 mug I plan to use all this year in remembrance of 60 years in the Church. I know that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. I know Joseph Smith is a prophet. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know Russell M. Nelson is a prophet. I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true Church and restored by the Prophet Joseph. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.