Monday, December 30, 2013

1994 Honda Civic turns twenty January 1, 2014

I was hoping to see the odometer change to 240,000 but I was on the freeway in the dark, so when I got home last night it already read 240,007. I'm third in the family to own the Honda though Paul would love to make himself fourth. Happy Birthday Honda thanks to Michael and Pete maintaining it so well.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Sister Olsen surprising me at BYU fireside in the cultural hall

This is after our bear hug. She served first in our area and now has only two months left on her mission.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Before me and after me

I feel bad for all those ancestors of mine that cannot be found for temple work. Conversely, I also feel a loss for those descendants I will never know, that because of those who came before me and because of me, will come into the world. However, I will probably know them one day in another form. Someone once theorized that all the spirits who chose to follow God the Father knew one another.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Ellen and me at her daughter's baby shower

There we were after several years talking like we'd never been apart, with her dear dad Edward playing ukulele for us all the entire time. It was an absolutely lovely shower with great eats and conversation together. I made the 1:45 session which was perfect for getting to Todos Santos entertainment and tree lighting by 5. I had a spectacular Saturday.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

My One Warm Coat run

I have a tradition of taking a coat to donate and seeing the lights in downtown San Francisco, walking all the way from 8th/Mission. I hit Union Square and normally look in the hotels and department stores but not this year. I continued on to Montgomery Street and dropped off my donation with a vest inside for added warmth and was very excited to get to A. P. Giannini Plaza. In 1964 I began working in the financial district and saw the construction every day. The tree that is decorated for Christmas is dazzling and stunning beyond imagination. I sat on the beautiful wooden bench and soaked in the beauty, grateful for my vision and legs that had carried me there. I sent a thank you to B of A. It's worth the trip downtown just to see this amazingly beautiful tree with a million red and gold lights.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

DMM 25 November 2013

He stacked them all by himself.

City Hall San Francisco

Here's what I noticed in the Rotunda today. It's all in caps. SAN FRANCISCO O GLORIOUS CITY OF OUR HEARTS THAT HAST BEEN TRIED AND NOT FOUND WANTING GO THOU WITH LIKE SPIRIT TO MAKE THE FUTURE THINE. I borrowed a pen and copied it down. She was amazed I could see it so high and dim and how beautiful it is.