Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Unique to Me

I attended a one-room school house in Lewiston, California, around 9 or 10 years of age. It has been made into a library.

I traveled in Europe for 13 months in 1968 and 1969 working as a chambermaid and dishwasher in Zermatt, Switzerland, during the winter.

I owned a 1968 convertible red Mustang with black racing stripes on the hood whose name was Scarlett O'Hara.

I have a journal of visiting 48 states, Mexico and Canada, with my mother and younger sister for 66 days in the summer of 1960. I visited Alaska in 2008 and Hawaii in 2009 with my husband Michael.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Turkey Lurkey

The first time I saw a huge wild turkey on Esperanza Drive near Willow Pass Road I thought it was a fluke. However, every morning about 6:45 I look for Turkey Lurkey as I begin my day. Once I even saw one in our backyard.

Fisherman at Sunset in Belize

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Attending Church While on Vacation

Dear Author:
Thank you very much for sending us your submission. It is a pleasure to see new material. Every piece received is individually reviewed by the editorial staff.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to publish your work. Because of limited magazine space and the increasing number of such submissions as the Church grows, the Church magazines are able to publish only a very small percentage of the many good items received. We regret that the time it takes to process hundreds of incoming submissions does not allow us to make comments about each one individually.
Please accept our thanks for the time and effort put into your work. We know that submissions like yours are goodwill offerings in support of the Church. We hope the work that has gone into this one will be a benefit to you and your family.
Ensign Editorial Staff
On 6/2/09 6:03 PM,
Concord 1st Ward, Concord
California Stake
Donation/2 June 2009
Because of the dream of my mother, Doris Eleanor Thomas, to visit the 48 contiguous states my younger sister, Rosella, and I at ages 13 and 12 drove with our 50-year old mother in the summer of 1960 and did just that. She drove a pale green ’55 Chevy pulling a trailer where we slept and prepared meals. On Sundays we often put on dresses and looked for a church to attend. Donald Lee Davis, her oldest son who later became a bishop, and his wife Beverly who had been tracted into and baptized, encouraged her to take the missionary discussions. Mother had always wanted to be baptized having read it in the Bible. My sister and I took the discussions with her and were baptized March 25, 1961, the spring following our driving trip. She had also visited Alaska more than once. Mother died and was buried exactly ten months after her baptism, on Beverly’s birthday. It had been my goal over the years to visit all 50 states. One of my family’s favorite parts of travel is attending the local wards. We love attending the Mt. Shasta Ward during our annual camping trip and each time we get invited to move into the ward. For our silver wedding anniversary my husband Michael and I left on our temple sealing anniversary May 7, 2008, on our Alaska cruise to the Inland Passage, my 49th visited state during Alaska’s 49th anniversary as a state. It has been such a blessing to visit local wards while vacationing. On Mother’s Day the bishop’s wife kept her promise from months earlier to pick us up for church in Juneau, Alaska, in front of the Red Dog Saloon. We took a walk after the early ward and returned to the afternoon ward, thoroughly enjoying the spiritual experience. Then on May 16, 2009, we flew together for the first time in 26 years of marriage to my 50th visited state, Hawaii, during their 50th anniversary as a state which took almost 50 years for me to achieve. We attended stake conference the first Sunday; I attended a seminary graduation followed by a lei-giving frenzy; I attended Enrichment. Our second Sunday I attended three sacrament meetings, three Sunday School classes and one Relief Society of the Manoa, McCully and Makiki wards in the very beautiful Honolulu Tabernacle. My husband gave up after attending five meetings. The stake center has a mosaic of the Savior on the building with a blue reflecting pool and the giant banyan tree spreads its branches over the lawn with green parrots that fly between the palms and banyan branches. It is a rare and choice blessing to renew covenants and meet with the Saints while traveling. I thank my Heavenly Father for these spiritual experiences.