Sunday, June 7, 2020

Fun in the Sun (and wind)

The second day was a drive in the White Knight to Baker Beach. How glorious. The flocks of Pelicans were profuse. Two snowy white egrets played in the surf. I stayed by the rocks while Paul and James explored further. When was the last time I'd been there? Next was coconut drinks at Geary and 25th Avenue followed by EBX in our last 'hood in the city. I left the boys with friends and drove home. Paul suggested a game or movie that night and I told him about playing full-house Chinese checkers with his dad one New Year's Eve. So we repeated the experience! Our next adventure was hiking around Mt. Diablo June 5. I left them to hike further in and stopped for fudge bars on my way home. Later three of Paul's friends had picked them up, gotten Mexican and come home to eat. Paul had called to ask what I wanted. I served sun tea and fudge bars in honor of 20 years in our home. They left under a brilliant full moon for home out of state that night making room for gifts for my grandchildren. Saturday morning I made invites to six immediate neighbors, cleaned patio chairs and delivered the invites. At noon I hosted three neighbors serving fudge bars. At 4:00 I attended Jack's zoom baptism. I went to neighbors again and at 6:00 hosted six more serving sun tea, cupcakes and apple slices. The mailman accepted a flaky roll. When that group left I returned to a neighbor next door for the third time and she said she'd love to come and bring four visiting family members. So about 7:20 I hosted five more serving fudge bars, cupcakes and sun tea, making five out of six households celebrating with me with a fudge bar social (distancing). Interestingly the total number of us was 20! Weather was sunny and windy and the front yard was the spot. This after triple digit heat for the second time this spring so cooler weather was much appreciated.

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