Wednesday, July 5, 2017

How to celebrate Independence Day solo

I have had a spectacular Independence Day celebration. It starts by hanging Old Glory in my front yard. For the past few years the 5K has been on my street and the neighbors decorate to the hilt, have Rocky theme and patriotic music blasting and we all cheer on the runners. It's great fun for 45 minutes. I then ate a waffle, berry jam and banana on my front porch and walked to town with the neighbors for the two-hour parade complete with bands, horses and dancing demos. I walked home and wore my red suit for my 30-minute lap swim including butterfly which I'm able to do again the length of the pool. I talked to Paul twice and Eve too before heading over with two desserts and Scrabble to enjoy a fantastic six hours with our former bishop's family. I counted 18 of us and all seven youth played in the pool the entire time except for the feast we ate that filled me to the brim. I asked a friend if she'd like to play Scrabble and we played a game enjoying the lovely afternoon as I spotted the moon on powder blue in the distance. I left before 9 p.m. with some tasty guacamole, salsa and salad and headed home to watch fireworks from the yard of my next-door neighbors and one other family. It was great fun and then we were given sparklers to top off the night together. I watched an hour of A Capitol Fourth grateful for the independence of this nation where the gospel was restored. I am blessed. It's been another wonderful 4th of July.

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