I'm enjoying my birthday and had a glorious day of it. Weather was a lovely 74* high/58* low. Missing was playing Scrabble with my honey and one of his superb dinners with our children while everyone took turns saying why I am special. Here's how to do it solo: Make coconut ice cream, make power smoothie and cheese omelette, ask neighbor to get bike down from rafters, inflate tires, wear Halloween shirt, short jeans, and Giants windbreaker, bike canal trail to Ygnacio Valley Road on the lookout for autumn leaves and a goat, mallards, and other animals, hike up steep hill, pray and talk to Michael, cry, park bike at home and walk to library, swim 30 minutes, shower, walk downtown to Las Montanas Market for a super chicken burrito, return to plaza for free scoop at Baskin Robbins, eat it and read Alaska in plaza on a perfectly glorious day, see The Three Musketeers eating See's and popcorn and dance to the ending credits music, walk home enjoying more leaves and a waxing half moon at twilight, enjoy mail, messages, cards, cookies, homemade ice cream, pumpkin crumb cheesecake, talk with daughter, flowers and a visit from a friend, read messages from my children of growing up with me as their mom, watch Burn Notice. All this was done on three hours of sleep and a prayer. I'm feeling very blessed and grateful about now. Happy Birthday to me.